June, 2024
.WEST (New Media Showcase) w/ Paul Laurens (live), Adrian Newgent (live), Elif Murat, Radianto (Visual), Wouter Smit (Visual), Muxingye Chen (Visual)
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22:00 — 04:00

Ticket presale €7,50
Ticket door €12,50

Unlike an exhibition space where the surroundings are designed to highlight works of art, .WEST proposes to reverse such a concept and thus make the work of art the space itself.

We believe that to create a full experience, multiple of our senses need to be stimulated simultaneously in harmony. Thus, sound becomes as important as the information we receive through our visual means to register our surroundings.

At a .WEST New Media Showcase, each space available is reserved for an artist to present a work, including the club room. Each work will receive the full attention of the viewer and establish a different mood in the room. No other lighting is used except the illumination provided by the artwork on display. Every source of sound except for what is being played in the club is coming from an artist's respective work.